About usSalon

ICHIRIN is a Japanese-style beauty salon that prides itself on using Japanese products and providing Japanese-style services. You can enjoy relaxing treatments for whitening and slimming.

  1. Greetings from the Founder

    Our aim is to respond to your desire to become beautiful with the highest level of technology.

  2. Salon Information

    We welcome you to a calming space where you can relax.

  3. Hours & Location

    Feel free to contact us.

  4. Company Overview

    Operating Company Information

Customer Review 01

Customer Review

I was very surprised by the fact that all the staff at ICHIRIN are very attentive and that the results are truly visible. I was anxious at first, but every time I came, I received advice and the therapists devised efficient treatments. They also praised me whenever I saw even a little result, which helped maintain my motivation. Thanks to that, I was able to achieve these results and am glad I chose ICHIRIN. I will continue to be in your care.
3 months
60 minutes
-4.4% Fat

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